Sunday, January 27, 2008

Ravelry scares me

No, I am not on Ravelry. This is my current world:
  • I have 2 year old pictures on my camera that I can't seem to get on Flickr.
  • I desperately need to update my regular blog.
  • I get updates on MySpace from people I knew in high school or college. I can barely keep up.
  • Facebook is out of control--and I am supposed to be keeping up a Facebook page for my real job.
  • My stash is now condensed to a huge ziplock bag, and my needles are all in one place (mostly) for the first time ever. I have discovered that I have 2 addi turbos exactly the same size, and lots of sets of bamboo the same size. I fear I am falling into my old pattern (like I did with cross stitch) of just buying whatever is necessary for the current project. Improvement on old pattern: I am not chucking the remainders when finished (mostly).
From what I can tell, Ravelry seems too much like cataloging to me. I don't feel the need to keep track of my former projects to quite that level. I obviously can't keep track of my needles and I just don't care about my stash that much--probably because I just buy new stuff when I see it!

Warning--whining coming.....
My new year's resolution was to have more balance and fun this year. I don't think I am making it. Summary of last week (first week of classes)
Monday, MLK holiday: worked 6 hours in office, 3 hours at home
Tuesday worked from 7:20am - 8:10pm
Wednesday worked from 7:10am-7ish pm
Thursday worked from 7:25am-5pm
Friday worked from 7:10-6:05pm
Saturday worked from 9:40-3:30 training new students
And, I am not counting the phone calls, or reading/responding to emails at night here.......or the fact that I had only one real lunch break, and I don't take other breaks during the day.
I really do LOVE my job most of the time--except when I am this tired.
And....the name of this blog is: don't talk about work!


WK said...

Oh Yuck!

You don't need to put your yarn stash on Ravelry. The best part about it is to check if someone else has made a pattern (and in what yarn) or what someone has used that yarn for.

Before Ravelry, I had made an inventory of my needles and some of my yarn. I have found it helpful so I don't buy the same needles again. I am hoping the yarn inventory with pictures will help me to remember to use my handspun (a problem you don't have).

So, you could join ravelry just to look at other things and not actually put your projects/yarn/needles in it. You don't need to participate in groups. (I did for the first time yesterday and it was essentially about work. I'm such a geek.)

Or, if you just want to be appalled at my stash, you can look at flickr - for the stash or for the spinning (there is overlap).

Sari said...

I don't find your stash appalling--I'm getting ideas. I finally forked out for the Big Mexiko yarn I have been coveting for about 3 years because I found a place with free shipping.

Jay Queue said...

Yuck is right! I'm sorry to hear this Sari!

I think that I use Ravelry much less than WK does for inventory, even though I do have some stuff in there. I keep thinking I want to take photos of my stash, but since I don't have all that much, I don't need the reminders that WK does.

I do use the needle inventory part pretty consistently, though. And when I get new yarn or like a pattern, I go in there to see what others have made.

Also, I don't think WK's stash is appalling! Huge and beautiful, yes! Appalling, no!